Mulberry’s Green Clean

Mulberrys cleaners is the only dry cleaning service in the state of Minnesota to use a toxin free CO2 based dry cleaning process. We also use the most environmentally friendly cleaning products on the market.

So what’s wrong with regular dry cleaning?

The majority of dry cleaners in the United States use a solvent known as perchloroethylene. This solvent is classified as a carcinogen and has been linked kidney and liver damage as well as Parkinson’s disease. It is also a central nervous system depressant and causes skin irritation. It can be hazardous to breathe in, can contaminate water and can also enter the body through contact with the skin. Brining home clothing cleaned with this solvent increases toxic levels in your home and may contaminate nursing mothers milk.

What does Mulberry’s do differently?

The CO2 cleaning process we use is toxin free. Not only that, but it is a by-product of an already in-use industrial process. So instead of letting that CO2 into the atmosphere, we use it to clean your clothes! This process is also more energy efficient because it does not need to be heated like traditional dry cleaning. We also use biodegradable dry cleaning bags and recycled wood coat hangers. This way we don’t continue to produce wasteful plastics that can be harmful to the environment.

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