Berry Blog

Mulberrys Garment Care is the newest addition to the Do it Green! Directory

We are proud to announce that we are the newest member of the 2014 Do it Green! Directory based in…


Why You Should Dry Clean Winter Clothes and Bedding at the End of the Season

Even when it seems like the winter season is about to end, you know a final blast of cold weather…


Five Ways Mulberrys Stays Green

Like so many of you, Mulberrys Garment Care welcomes each April 22nd as a wonderful chance to celebrate the worldwide…


Five Awesome Things You Can Do with a Mulberrys Dry Cleaners Online Account

1) Stalk your dry cleaning With the "my account" feature of mulberryscleaners.com, you have a virtual dry cleaners at your…


The Wedding Gown Restoration Process

You have finally found the right man and the engagement ring is on your finger. You decide to wear your…


Mulberrys Launches Dry Cleaning…With Toxin-free Lasers

Mulberrys Launches Dry Cleaning...With Toxin-free Lasers April 1st, Minneapolis Mulberrys Garment Care, the Twin Cities' leader in premium toxin-free dry…


Mulberry’s Green Clean

Mulberrys cleaners is the only dry cleaning service in the state of Minnesota to use a toxin free CO2 based…


There’s Cold and Then There’s Dry Cleaning Cold

So you thought the weather outside was cold? Well you haven't seen anything yet. Mulberrys toxin-free dry cleaning process takes cold…


Check Out The New Mulberry’s Website

With the start of 2014 we decided to get a fresh start with our website. As you take a look…


Access Your Mulberrys Dry Cleaning Account Online!

Frequently, we get calls from our clients that would like to check on the status of their dry cleaning order…
